The causes of obesity , factors that induce overweight
Obesity is defined as: -
Obesity is an increase in the weight of the human more than 20% of normal weight.
And is a measure of body mass standards (kilo weight / square of height in meters) is a common measure of obesity. And this differs between men and women. With reservation in the futility of this measurement
Of Champions, where sports is a measure of the proportion of fat in weight is more accurate at all.
And obesity is considered satisfactory if excessive and exceeds the weight percentage of 50-100% of ideal weight and disrupting the vital functions of the body.
Causes of obesity: -
Is a general increase in weight if eating more calories than the human from the consumption or burning of her body. And there is no known cause for the imbalance of calories, but there are indications of the multiplicity of factors and causes of obesity in one person.
• worker Age: - where that with age there is delay in the metabolism and deficiency in the body's needs calories needed to maintain weight. And notes the increase in weight after the age of commitment with the same amount of eating and physical activity.
• Agent type: - There are differences between women and men keep track that the ladies were more likely to be obese women than men. The rate of metabolism and thus burning calories at rest is higher than in men than women, so men need more than the amount of calories to maintain weight. This imbalance also increases in women after menopause. Taking into account social factors such as increased activity and the movement of men and women for his presence outside the home and thus away from the vision of eating and distract him for a long time.
• the HLA: - where the spread of obesity in families and their descendants, more than other families. So that this factor is more influential than social worker and food habits within the family guide the emergence of obesity in children than natural parents to their children in adoption.
• ambient factors: - such as dietary habits and ceremonies that are not devoid of extravagance in the harbor and have a nice color for food and sweets and methods of cooking fat and sugar. Even in the fasting month of Ramadan is supposed purity of body and spirit are the consumption amounts equal to eat the rest of the other 11 months. Not to mention the fashion fast food, which is called Jang any junk.
• factor of physical movement: - a truism that physical activity and movement consumes more calories than cases of comfort. Sport as well as reduce appetite in the obese as well as burn fat and turn it into muscle.
• Psychological factors: - that the psychological state have a negative impact on 30% of obese patients, where eating is an automatic reaction to any psychological frustration Oomell or anger or sadness. In such cases the patient loses control of himself and can not stop eating.
• pathogens: - There are some diseases that cause weight gain, such as endocrine disorder and depression, and some diseases of the brain, which prevents a sense of satiety.
• therapeutic agents: - Some drugs and medications such as steroids and antidepressants, and some hormones and contraceptives lead to weight gain.
The psychological impact of obesity and obesity: -
The psychological impact of the worst effects on the obese because of physical appearance or disability due to natural life or because of secondary conditions caused by obesity. As well as the obese face social discrimination in treatment, whether at school or work as being exposed to criticism or ridicule continued. And do not forget that rejection faced chubby person, whether man or Ms in the cases of the progress of the marriage.
its the time to say what you really feel
Posted at 07:16 | Labels: fat loss, obesity, over weight |
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